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Elixir for aspiring Erlang developers

For the “Independent Coursework” of the University of Applied Sciences Berlin I created the following presentation: **Elixir for aspiring Erlang developers ** from Torben Dohrn Target audience are students of the bachelors degree Computer Science of the University. If anything is unclear (or god forbid, wrong) drop me a mail or a tweet

Powershell cmdlets with dynamic param AND $args don't work

Over the weekend I tried to implement auto completion in Elixir’s mix (in Windows). Unfortunately I didn’t make it without introducing some problems. So I didn’t committed my changes to upstream. Currently I try to reach some of the more renowned Elixir/Windows contributors, to discuss the changes . Motivation Under normal circumstances I don’t use more mix tasks then test, phoenix.server and release but sometimes you need this weird command, you just can’t remember.

Elixir, Phoenix and Windows: Some insights on my 1000┬Ás problem

On Saturday I wrote about “Elixir, Phoenix and Windows: No faster responses than 1000 microseconds?”. I described two problems I had with Phoenix in Windows: My response times seem to be stuck at 1000 microseconds and Powershell couldn’t display the μ sign. I dug into some code and the mailing lists and found (with a lot of help) some answers. 1000 Microseconds on Windows? The response times in Phoenix are often measured in Microseconds.

Elixir, Phoenix and Windows: No faster responses than 1000 microseconds?

If you read around phoenix developers you often hear stuff like “Awesome, requests served in under xxx microseconds!”. Yet if I try the Phoenix framework, I only have this results: [info] GET / [debug] Processing by GettingStartedPheonix.PageController.index/2 Parameters: %{} Pipelines: [:browser] [info] Sent 200 in 1000┬Ás [info] JOIN rooms:lobby to GettingStartedPheonix.RoomChannel Transport: Phoenix.Transports.WebSocket Parameters: %{} [info] Replied rooms:lobby :ok With special emphasis on [info] Sent 200 in 1000┬Ás .

Elixir, postgres and chocolatey

You try to use the phoenix getting started guide on windows and the task “mix ecto.create” fails with an useless error? Chances are your postgresql database isn’t available with the ecto default credentials “postgres”:“postgres”. Try to logon to the database with the credentials “postgres”:“Postgres1234” and change the password for the user to “postgres”. Also, don’t forget to change the password of the Windows user “postgres”. Update 15.11.2015: You also have to change the logon information for the service, otherwise postgresql won’t start after an restart.